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EExtravert. Outer-directed; active,
energetic, outgoing, and assertive;
versatile with broad interests
SSensor. Practical & task-oriented;
prefer action over reflection; excel at
handling details & concrete tasks
FFeeler. Make decisions based on
values and concern for others;
sensitive, caring & cooperative
PPerceiver. Outwardly open, receptive
and adaptable; slower to express
judgments or impose them on others
ESFPs’ Dominant Function
“Lives in the moment”; relishes new experiences & challenges; attunes to concrete affairs & opportunities for action
ESFPs’ Auxiliary Function
Reflects on personal feelings & values; champions authenticity & individuality; drawn to nature, children & animals
Key ESFP Traits
- Active, energetic, warm, caring, optimistic, and fun-loving
- Seek and relish novelty: sensory, material, experiential and otherwise; enjoy new sights, sounds, tastes, fashions, and experiences
- Attend to their appearance; often physically attractive and well-manicured; have an eye for aesthetics
- Attune to and keep pace with what’s trendy and fashionable
- “Doers”; prioritize action over prolonged reflection
- Pragmatic; do what “needs to be done”; can be critical of those who get bogged down in excessive deliberation or negative emotions
- Work to clarify, prioritize, and embody their personal values; develop an inner moral compass for navigating life
- Strive to help and support others, particularly friends and loved ones; many count parenthood among their highest priorities and greatest joys
- Form enduring emotional attachments to others (both humans and animals) engendering strong loyalty and investment
- While loath to admit it, can exhibit heightened levels of pride, sanctimony, or entitlement; often struggle to see or concede their personal weaknesses
- Participate in and contribute to valued organizations—religious, educational, community, or otherwise
- Often have a knack for performance, excelling as actors, vocalists, and the like; can also contribute to their effectiveness as marketers and salespersons
- Appreciate concrete and experiential modes of learning
- Drawn to helping, enterprising, and hands-on occupations: education, ministry, counseling, sales, marketing, public relations, performance, culinary arts, cosmetology, landscape architecture, etc.
Learn More about ESFPs in Our Books:
My True Type: Clarifying Your Personality Type, Preferences & Functions
The 16 Personality Types: Profiles, Theory & Type Development