Our New INFJ Book!
Beyond Rare: The INFJ’s Guide to Cultivating Growth & Self-Awareness
Sale Price: $6.99
*Paperback and eBook options
*2 file types (pdf, epub) for full compatibility, including Kindle
About the Book
It’s well-known within the personality community that, statistically speaking anyway, INFJs are the “rarest” of the 16 types. And because they grow up feeling “different” or misunderstood—possibly even like outsiders—they experience a profound sense of relief and validation upon discovering their personality type and its relative rarity. In this singular “aha” moment, whatever angst or confusion they may have been wrestling with is replaced by a sense of clarity and empowerment.
And while embracing the unique or “rare” aspects of their personality can be a useful first step toward self-understanding, it can only take INFJs so far. Past a certain point in the self-discovery process, holding fast to their rareness may actually deceive them into believing that they’ve come to end of the road, growth wise. In other words, awareness of their rarity may constitute knowledge, but not necessarily wisdom—a distinction only earned once they learn to redirect their focus from their status as outliers and black swans toward matters of personal development.
This book aims to shed light on what a successful path to growth and development can look like for INFJs. Not only does it explore INFJs’ exceptional qualities that are worth strengthening and honing, but also their blindspots and pitfalls, so they can manifest their full creative potential. It invites INFJs to embark on a journey of self-transformation—both conceptually and experientially—which can only be described as “beyond rare.”
Now on Sale!
Beyond Rare
*Includes 2 file types (pdf, epub) for compatibility with all devices, including Kindle
Bundle Offer
Beyond Rare + The 16 Personality Types

*Includes 2 file types (pdf, epub) for compatibility with all devices, including Kindle
Table of Contents
- INFJs’ “rare” status
- Moving beyond rarity and toward growth
- Oyster metaphor: potential treasure (flesh), realized treasure (pearl)
1. Self-Discovery
- How self-discovery relates to Introversion (I) and Intuition (N)
- “I always knew I was different…”
- Self-discovery for INFJs vs. INFPs
- The role of Introverted Intuition (Ni) in self-discovery
- Personality type as central to INFJ’s self-concept
2. Introversion
- Why INFJs may be mistaken for Extraverts
- Jung’s conception of Introversion
- Alice in Wonderland; looking glass between Introverted & Extraverted worlds
- Why the Introverted world seems more real for INFJs
- Tension between Ni and Fe
- INFJs’ attunement to implicit meanings and motives
3. Relationships
- Relationships as “pathways to actualization” for INFJs
- “Potential for growth” as key relational criterion
- Tendency to push others too hard; INFJs’ partners feeling like “projects”
- INFJs as “maximizers” in relationships
- Contributions of Extraverted Feeling (Fe) and Sensing (Se) to relational difficulties
- Relational growth for INFJs
4. Security
- INFJs as “Highly Sensitive Persons” (HSPs) and how it pertains to inferior Se function
- Se experiences as both awe-inspiring and terrifying for INFJs
- Differences in INFJs’ vs. Extraverted Sensors’ sensitivity / response to stress, boredom, and task demands
- Energy management
- The oyster’s approach to the Sensory world
5. Performance
- Why INFJs’ struggle to take action
- Desire to plan and predict; chess analogy
- Resistance to doing (S) without clear purpose (N); the importance of “why” for INFJs
- “Analysis paralysis”
- Inability to act leaves INFJs feeling powerless and at the mercy of circumstances
- The role of inferior Se; knowledge of its inadequacy creates spiritual quandary
- The appeal of “simulations” for inferior function development
6. Physicality
- The Shadow, containing repressed or repugnant traits as well as cognitive functions 5-8
- INFJs’ 8th function (Si) & its rudimentary symbol: the body
- ISJ vs. INFJ approach to the body
- INFJs’ propensity for bodily detachment or neglect, as well as over-doing or “whipping it into compliance”
- How bodily breakdown can alert INFJs’ to the inferior function problem
7. Tribulation
- INFJs’ most well-known pastime and profession: the arts
- Art as an interplay between experienced reality (Se) and subjective, conceptual viewpoint (Ni)
- INFJ attitudes toward art
- Art as an inferior function “simulation” for INFJs, an attempt to exert direct influence over Se outcomes
- Mismatch between inferior ideals and what’s truly wise or helpful
- Link between inferior function and “grip experiences”
- Truly owning one’s tribulations can lead to transformation (e.g., Hero’s Journey)
8. Acceptance
- Especially in Se cultures, Ni discerns society’s “blind spots”
- INFJs’ should expect resistance when authentically embracing Ni and attuning to unconscious material
- The ego, ego defenses, and higher Self
- Being forced to confront the unconscious puts the ego in a seemingly unwinnable paradox
- Acceptance as a two-part process for INFJs
- Why being a minority may boost INFJs’ chances of self-actualization
9. Actualization
- Inferior function payouts as a key psychological driving force
- INFJs’ chief concern: translating Ni insights into something of concrete Se value
- Others may fail to notice, appreciate and understand Ni
- The problem with insisting on knowing the outcome of actions in advance
- Recognizing the great bounty available through the dominant function
- The true relationship between the oyster and pearl
- The intersection of knowledge, experience and wisdom
- How INFJs can embody their own insights; the role of tertiary Ti
- More parallels between INFJ actualization, oysters, and pearls
- Experiencing profound peace and freedom
“I’ve Never Felt So Understood”
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your book Beyond Rare. I just downloaded it one hour ago, and I am now on page 41 and never ever have I felt so understood, also never ever have I read such a clear description of Ni and its workings. Your book came to me at just the right moment, I feel so grateful that I wanted to thank you immediately. I love the in-depth explanations (which IMO is often lacking in many other INFJ studies I have read so far)… I find your insights helpful and an encouragement to continue developing myself following my own path. Thank you again!
“Profoundly Impactful”
I’ve finished reading the book and thoroughly enjoyed it. As an INFJ, my inner experience felt very well represented. I particularly appreciated the courage and tact that it took to kindly, yet firmly describe the defensive aspects of grandiosity and victimhood that plague us as ways to cover loneliness, insecurity, hurt, and deep existential / relational angst… On the whole, it was profoundly impactful and I can intuit how tremendously helpful it is going to be for me on my journey. Thank you, Elaine, for the pearl of your journey! It’s shiny and beautiful!
“Exquisite Impact on Me”
I’m an INFJ who has spent the last 8 years in relative solitude in order to “uncover” the richness of what it means to be an INFJ. So it was truly remarkable to read almost EVERYTHING I experience and have experienced as an INFJ in delightful (and obviously INFJ writing style) prose with such solid reasoning provided with each facet of the personality. This book has had an exquisite impact on me already.
“A Challenge Towards Growth”
For most of my life, I knew I was different, but I didn’t quite understand how or why… and often, I felt deeply out of place, or even wrong in the world. Your INFJ profile helped me build understanding and confidence. And now, with your excellent new book, I am helped again—this time through a challenge towards growth—as I move into and work through a new phase of life. Thank you so very much for your work.
“A Beautiful Work”
I began reading last night and love the book! Beautiful work and, while it is well-researched and supported, I also especially appreciate the depth of Elaine’s personal insight as shared.
“Couldn’t Put It Down”
Hello and thanks to author Elaine Schallock Drenth for the fascinating and helpful book! I couldn’t put it down, devoured it in a day, and am ready for a second read.
About the Author
A regular contributor to Personality Junkie, Elaine has been an ardent student of personality theory since she was first introduced to the Myers-Briggs over 20 years ago. As an INFJ, she is especially passionate about depth psychology and understanding the subconscious aspects of personality type. Her work has focused largely on the inferior function and its role in the individuation process. This is her first book.