Still Unsure of Your Type?

My True Type: Clarifying Your Personality Type, Preferences & Functions
Sale Price: $6.99
*Paperback and eBook options
*2 file types (pdf, epub) for full compatibility, including Kindle
My True Type: Clarifying Your Personality Type, Preferences & Functions
Sale Price: $6.99
*Paperback and eBook options
*2 file types (pdf, epub) for full compatibility, including Kindle
If you’re like other Personality Junkie readers, you recognize the value and importance of knowing who you are. After all, who you understand yourself to be—your sense of self and identity—influences everything; it’s the compass we use to navigate life. And because your personality type is an integral part of who you are, knowing and understanding your type (e.g., INFJ) is essential and can furnish much needed direction in a world of seemingly infinite options.
Unfortunately, many people remain unsure of their true type, often feeling “stuck in the middle” between two or three types. My True Type was carefully researched and written to address this concern, equipping you with the knowledge you need to clarify and better understand your personality type, including your type’s preferences and functions. If you want to know your type (and yourself) more clearly and confidently, this book is for you.
Now on Sale!
My True Type
*Includes 2 file types (pdf, epub) for compatibility with all devices, including Kindle
Bundle Offer
My True Type + The 16 Types
*Includes 2 file types (pdf, epub) for compatibility with all devices, including Kindle
1. Introduction
Why It’s Important to Know Your Type
What is a Personality Type?
A Brief History of Type
The Preferences
The Functions
The function stack
J-P Criteria
Purpose & Overview
2. Strategies for Accurate Typing
Explore Childhood Patterns
Which Type(s) are You Least Like?
Which Function(s) Do You Use the Least?
What is Your Enantiodromia?
Put Inconsistencies in Perspective
Avoid Over-Focusing on Particulars
3. Introversion (I) vs Extraversion (E)
Jung’s Introversion & Extraversion
Independent vs. Collective-Minded
Reflection (I) vs. Action (E)
Strangers (I) vs. Citizens (E) of the World
Sensitive (I) vs. Uninhibited (E)
A Mixed Bag
Common E-I Mistypings
4. Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N)
What Exactly is Intuition?
“All on the Table”
Potential (N) vs. Actual (S)
Connections (N) vs. Particulars (S)
Common S-N Mistypings
5. Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)
Overview of Thinking
Overview of Feeling
Taste & Style: S, F, or Both?
What about Values?
T-F & Gender
Common T-F Mistypings
6. Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)
Structured vs. Unstructured
Planned vs. Open-Ended
J Types: Conviction & Convergence
P Types: Exploring & Experimenting
Seeking vs. Experiencing Closure
The Laws of Js & Ps
Restlessness & Breadth of Activities
J-P & Work
Learning & Teaching Styles
Common J-P Mistypings
7. Introduction to the Eight Functions
Introverted vs. Extraverted Functions
Judging vs. Perceiving Functions
Overview of the Eight Functions
8. Introverted Intuition (Ni)
The Visual Nature of Ni
Deep Knowing
Deep Perception
Deep Theories, Timeless Truths
Ni & the Brain
Ni & the Eyes
9. Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
Doubting & Dithering
Ne vs. Ni
Webs (Ne) & Hierarchies (Ni)
Art, Nature, & Lifestyle
Ne-Ni Skepticism & Envy
Ne & the Brain
10. Introverted Sensing (Si)
Dotting i’s & Crossing t’s
Si & the “Inner Body”
Si & Images
The Si-Ne Function Pair
Si vs. Ni
Si & the Brain
11. Extraverted Sensing (Se)
An Eye for Detail
Image & Appearance
The Se-Ni Function Pair
Se vs. Ne
Se vs. Si
Se & the Brain
12. Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Subjective Methods & Strategies
Deep Skepticism & Reductive Thinking
Control, Freedom, & Autonomy
Ti & the Brain
13. Extraverted Thinking (Te)
Defining & Measuring
The Te-Fi Function Pair
Te vs. Ti
Te & the Brain
14. Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Constrained Feeling
Refining Tastes & Values
Marginalized & Misunderstood
Defending Individuality
Fi vs. Ti
Fi & the Brain
15. Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
The Interpersonal Nature of Fe
Fe & Social Norms
The Fe-Ti Function Pair
Fe vs. Te
Fe vs. Fi
Fe & the Brain
16. Type Structuring: What It Tells Us about EPs, EJs, IPs, & IJs
EJs & IPs: “J-P-J” Types
EPs & IJs: “P-J-P” Types
EP Types
EJ Types
IP Types
IJ Types
-B. Brown
“This book will help you drill down and better understand your own personality type. It also provides a lot of comparing and contrasting that helps illustrate the difference(s) between similar personality types. For instance, if you’re not sure if you’re an INTP or an INFP, the book provides many different examples and avenues by which you can clear up any type confusion.”
-J. Evans
“After studying the MBTI and Keirsey for years, I thought I’d pretty much read it all, but this book gave me a fresh perspective and a deeper understanding of the overall concept of temperament. It explained some of the things I had found confusing like why some introverts seem like extraverts due to their auxiliary functions. A must-read book for students of temperament…”
-T. Cleary
“I am a budding student of typology, and have read a lot of the available literature on Jungian typology. This book had a profound influence on me and on my understanding of the Jungian functions. Many other works I have explored are burdened with superfluous information, which, especially for an autodidact trying to get an accurate grip on typology, can cause needless delays and confusion. This book drills right to the essence of each function, explaining them with breadth, insight and concision…I consider it “required reading” for the typology enthusiast.”
-T. Wise
“I have read just about every MBTI book out there, and even the most useful ones generally review the same basic information in different ways. This one actually added new information and new interpretations that I hadn’t seen before. In the past, I’ve gone back and forth between two types that seemed to fit me equally well, but this book made it clear, first of all, why that doesn’t really make sense, and second, why I was confused. This really clarified my type for me and helped me in a job choice I was making. The information is detailed and definitely worth the price.”
A five-time author and founder of Personality Junkie®, A.J. launched the platform in 2009 to explore the intersection of personality, identity, purpose, and vocation. His publications, including the world’s best-selling INTP book, have gained international recognition, establishing him as a leading voice in personality studies. Renowned for his clear and thoughtful writing, A.J.’s work engages both newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts alike.
A five-time author and founder of Personality Junkie®, A.J. launched the platform in 2009 to explore the intersection of personality, identity, purpose, and vocation. His publications, including the world’s best-selling INTP book, have gained international recognition, establishing him as a leading voice in personality studies. Renowned for his clear and thoughtful writing, A.J.’s work engages both newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts alike. Read A.J.'s full bio here.